Fate Theory of The Six Cylinders


The Fate Theory of the 6 Cylinders ("6 Cylinders") is another key skill mastered by the great Tao scholars in the past to understand the key factors that condition a person's fate in this world. The 6 Cylinders will be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a person throughout the lifetime. Armed with this critical information, the Tao scholars will be able to advise on the person's life path and the actions to be taken to remedy the bad luck or enhance the good luck throughout time.

To date, we at Institute of Tao Studies Malaysia continue to promote this beneficial fate theory to the public via our 6 Cylinders courses and our counselling services, as follows:

The course is a profound and complete analysis of fate including Ba Zi's analysis. It is also the foundation course for the study of Feng Shui, Extraordinary Door & Abscond Theory, Almanac Oracle, ZI Wei Numerology and Auspicious Naming etc.

6 Cylinders Courses
Conducted by our founder, Dr Geraldine S.N. Goh, the courses are structured by condensing her many years of learning the 6 Cylinders into 5 sessions to cover all the key principles and focuses on the practical aspects of the 6 Cylinders. This will enable you to immediately able to use the 6 Cylinders effectively in the shortest time possible, to:

  • Identify the circumstances of one's fate for a pre-defined time period
  • Evaluate how that would affect one's luck during a pre-defined time period
  • Learn the various ways to remedy the unfavourable factors and enhance the favourable factors accordingly in an effective manner.

6 Cylinders Course Content

Elementary : (9 hours)
1. Background of the Six Cylinders Theory
2. Basic principles of the Fate Theory
3. Setting the Chart of the Six Cylinders, Periodic Cycle and Current Qi
4. Preparation for the Use of:

(a) Ba Zi
(b) Flow of Five Elements' Qi
(i) Chart Flow
(ii) Seasonal Flow
(iii) Phonic sound

5. Fundamental explanation and application of the above.

Intermediate 1 (9 hours)
1. The Set Up of 6 Cylinders and understanding of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches
2. Detailed determinations of Strong and Weak Day Master
3. Applicable and Effective Spirit, Favourable Spirit, Destructive Spirit of General Formats and its application.
4. Looking at the Relationship of Man from the 6 Cylinders
5. Common Stars Used (Shen Sha) in Ba Zi.

Intermediate 2 (9 hours)
1. Constructive and Destructive Stars (Shen Sha) in Fate
2. Introduction of Phonic Sound
3. Detailed explanation of different kinds of format
4. Application of the above - case studies.

Advanced 1 (9 hours)
1. Miscellaneous detailed analysis of Fate Stars
2. Detailed explanation of Special Format
3. Determination of Luck, Longevity, Prosperity, Relationship and Happiness in Fate Theory
4. Analysis of Phonic Sound Theory
5. Case studies

Advanced 2 (9 hours)
1. Application of Different Fate Theories
2. Practical case studies
3. The Mystical Key to Good Fate
4. Practical application of 60 Jin Zi Tao Cards.


6 Cylinders Counselling
Also known as the 60 Jia Zi Cards counselling, this will be conducted personally by trained counsellors. A sum of RM1,500 will be charged for the purchase of the 60 Jia Zi Card, which is used in the fate rectification service conducted annually for the first 2 consecutive years. Subsequent years will be charged a separate fee of RM200 per annum. Should you be interested, please fax to the Institute at 603-2282 4455 or E-mail

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